Rosa Washington

BCRI Oral History Collection
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00:01:08 - Introduction of Interview

Play segment

Partial Transcript: This is an interview with Mrs. Rosa P. Washington for the Oral History Project of the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute.

Segment Synopsis: Washington is introduced.

GPS: Birmingham Civil Rights Institute
Map Coordinates: 33.516200, -86.813870
Hyperlink: BCRI Homepage
00:01:32 - Background and Family Life

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Yes ma'am. I just want to start by just getting a little background information.

Segment Synopsis: Washington tells how her father was a sharecropper in rural Alabama.

Keywords: African American-agriculture

Subjects: Davenport (Ala.); Sharecropper

00:03:44 - Why Her Family Moved to Birmingham

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How long did you stay in Davenport? I know you would eventually come to Birmingham.

Segment Synopsis: Washington states that she was the reason her father finally decided to move to Birmingham.

Keywords: Racism; Sharecropper

Subjects: Birmingham, Ala.; Rural Alabama

00:07:09 - Educational Journey

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So what school did you attend?

Segment Synopsis: Washington discusses going to school in ACIPCO and attending the largest high school for black people in the world.

Keywords: American Cast Iron Pipe Company; Segregation

Subjects: Birmingham (Ala.)

00:10:25 - Experiencing Colorism in High School

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What area did you concentrate in?

Segment Synopsis: Washington recalls experiencing colorism when she auditioned for the school play.

Keywords: Colorism; Industrial High School

Subjects: Birmingham (Ala.)

00:14:56 - ACIPCO Community's Relationship with the Birmingham Police Department

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Can you describe your community? What was ACIPCO like?

Segment Synopsis: Washington recalls how the police acted cruelly towards the people in her neighborhood.

Keywords: Police brutality

Subjects: American Cast Iron Pipe Company; Birmingham (Ala.); Birmingham (Ala.). Police Department

00:16:37 - Family Tragedy and Her Work Experience

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I worked at ______ and trying to get ready, try to save some money to go to college because my father had had a stroke and couldn't send me.

Segment Synopsis: Washington recalls how multiple family members died and her work experience at Newberry's.

Keywords: Domestic work; Pittsburgh (Penn.)

Subjects: Birmingham (Ala.); Newberry

00:23:58 - Being Hired at Greyhound

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So Mr. Townsend was her boss?

Segment Synopsis: Washington tells how her friend got her a job working at the Greyhound bus station.

Keywords: Greyhound buses

Subjects: Birmingham (Ala.)

00:25:52 - Incident with Her White Boss at Work

Play segment

Partial Transcript: They were. Sometimes they jumped my gun and I -- I am an outspoken person if you push me too far.

Segment Synopsis: Washington recalls how her boss harassed her for a dime after she used one of his to take the bus.

Keywords: Greyhound buses; Racism

Subjects: Birmingham (Ala.)

00:31:05 - Working as a Maid at Greyhound

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What were your responsibilities there?

Segment Synopsis: Washington states how she cleaned the white and colored waiting rooms at the bus station.

Keywords: African Americans--Segregation; Greyhound buses

Subjects: Birmingham (Ala.)

00:33:06 - Personal Involvement in the Movement

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What community did you live in at that time?

Segment Synopsis: Washington recalls how she joined the NAACP through her church and how she attended mass meetings.

Keywords: Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Subjects: Birmingham (Ala.)

00:35:01 - Memories of the Freedom Riders

Play segment

Partial Transcript: At the time that you were working at the bus station, in 1961 there was a group of students from the north that came and they were called Freedom Riders.

Segment Synopsis: Washington tells how she was working at the Greyhound station when the Freedom Riders came in.

Keywords: 1961 Freedom Rides; Blacks-segregation

Subjects: Birmingham (Ala.)

00:37:50 - Bull Conner and Birmingham Police's Reaction to the Freedom Riders

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Did you witness any of the attacks?

Segment Synopsis: Washington discusses how Conner and the police were very harsh to the Freedom Riders.

Keywords: Birmingham (Ala.). Police Department; Bull Conner

Subjects: Anniston (Ala.); Freedom Rides, 1961

00:43:36 - Witnessing Police Brutality at the Children's March

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Did you get any more actively involved in the Movement after you witnessed this at the bus station?

Segment Synopsis: Washington recalls how the police reacted cruelly towards the children at the Children's March.

Keywords: 1963 Children's March; Police brutality-United States

Subjects: Birmingham (Ala.)

00:45:29 - Experiencing Racism in the Workplace

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Did that change as a result of the Freedom Riders?

Segment Synopsis: Washington discusses how she experienced racism and sexism when applying for a promotion.

Keywords: Racism; Sexism

Subjects: Birmingham (Ala.); Greyhound buses

00:53:25 - Retirement Dinner at The Club

Play segment

Partial Transcript: And that's where you retired from?

Segment Synopsis: Washington recalls how her white boss took her and her husband to The Club for her retirement dinner.

Keywords: Greyhound buses; The Club

Subjects: Birmingham (Ala.)

00:54:35 - Conclusion of Interview

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Good. Thank you again for coming out. We certainly appreciate it.

Segment Synopsis: Interview is concluded.