Kathleen Bunton Interviewed on September 6, 1996

BCRI Oral History Collection
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00:00:00 - Introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: This is an interview with Kathleen Bunton for the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute's Oral History Project.

Segment Synopsis: Introduction to the interview

Keywords: Birmingham Civil Rights Institute (Birmingham, Ala.); Oral history; Oral history project

Subjects: Birmingham Civil Rights Institute (Birmingham, Ala.); Oral history

GPS: The Birmingham Civil Rights Institute
Map Coordinates: 33.516200, -86.813870
00:00:21 - Personal Background / Growing Up in Birmingham

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Good. I want to talk to you a little bit about your background.

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of growing up in Birmingham and knowing Mr. Byers.

Keywords: Birmingham (Ala.); Byers Hill; North Birmingham; Old Hillman Hospital; Trussville (Ala.)

Subjects: Birmingham (Ala.); Hillman Hospital; Trussville (Ala.)

00:01:35 - Early Education

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So you went to school real early?

Segment Synopsis: Mrs. Bunton discusses her first years at school and the reason why she attended a different school than the rest of her siblings when she was young.

Keywords: Birmingham (Ala.); Byers Hill; Hooper City; Hudson Elementary; Motion sickness

Subjects: Birmingham (Ala.); Motion sickness

00:02:57 - Mr. Byers and Family

Play segment

Partial Transcript: When you lived in the area of Byers Hill and you said you knew Mr. Byers.

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of knowing Mr. Byers and his family when she lived in the Byers Hill area.

Keywords: Byers Hill; family; land

00:03:40 - Early Education cont. / Community

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How many blocks did you walk to school?

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of elementary school experience and relationship with teachers as well as other children in the community.

Keywords: Elementary school teachers; children; community; elementary school

Subjects: Elementary school teachers

00:05:16 - Family Life

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How large was your family? How many brothers and sisters?

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of family size and parent's occupations.

Keywords: Community and school; Father; Mother; Tarrant City (Ala.); community school; family; large family; pipe shop

Subjects: Community and school; Father; Mother; Tarrant City (Ala.)

00:06:12 - Farm Life / Childhood at Home

Play segment

Partial Transcript: At the time we were average. My dad did a lot of farming.

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of childhood on the family farm.

Keywords: Chickens; Childhood; Chores; Cows; Farming; Father; Milk; Piglets; Pigs; dairy; hogs; milking cows; spanking; sustainable farming

Subjects: Chickens; Childhood; Chores; Cows; Father; Milk; Piglets; Pigs

00:10:27 - Butchering Hogs / Meat Smoking

Play segment

Partial Transcript: No. We always had our own. During the winter months my dad would kill the hogs and we had an opportunity to observe the killing.

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of hog butchering process, meat smoking and farm community.

Keywords: Chickens; Eggs; Farm life; Hogs; Livestock; Meat smoking; Roosters; Sustainability; butchering; community; smokehouse

Subjects: Chickens; Eggs; Farm life; Livestock; Meat; Roosters; Sustainability

00:12:57 - Community Farming and Sustainability

Play segment

Partial Transcript: When you look back at your childhood and you look at communities, we've had people say that there was a sense of community, that if there were others in the neighborhood that didn't have, you shared.

Segment Synopsis: Discussion about the sense of community within Mrs. Bunton's childhood neighborhood.

Keywords: Butter; Farm life; Milk; Neighbors; Sustainability; Vegetables; Volunteer; churn; community; farming; neighborhood; sharing

Subjects: Butter; Farm life; Milk; Neighbors; Sustainability; Vegetables; Volunteer

00:14:09 - Church Life at Mount Calvary Baptist

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Was your family involved in church while you were growing up?

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of time attending Mount Calvary Baptist church as a child.

Keywords: Childhood; Christmas; Easter; baptist; church; mount calvary baptist; sunday school

Subjects: Childhood; Christmas; Easter

00:15:01 - Civil Rights Movement and Racial Issues

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How did you find out about the Movement when you were growing up?

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of racial issues encountered by parents as well as awareness of these issues and the Civil Rights Movement at a young age.

Keywords: Civil rights movement; Father; Mother; Race awareness; Social status; christian movement; community; education; pride; racial issues; white privilege

Subjects: Civil rights movement; Father; Mother; Race awareness; Social status

00:20:22 - Mass Meetings / Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How did you get involved? Did you go to the mass meetings?

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of experience attending mass meetings and the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights.

Keywords: Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights; Birmingham News; Civil rights movement; Human rights; Voter registration; christian movement; mass meetings

Subjects: Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights; Birmingham News; Civil rights movement; Human rights; Voter registration

00:22:24 - Mother's Participation in Marches and Time in Jail

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Did your parents participate?

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of her mother's time participating in Civil Rights marches and spending some time in jail as a result.

Keywords: Civil rights; Civil rights movement; Marches; Marching; Mother; family; jail

Subjects: Civil rights; Civil rights movement; Marches; Marching; Mother; family; jail

00:24:42 - Involvement in Voter's Registration / Life at Miles College

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How involved did you become in registering?

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of becoming involved in voter's registration drives while attending Miles College.

Keywords: Miles College; Voting; college; polls; registration; voters registration

Subjects: Miles College; Voting

00:26:55 - Frustrations About Voters Today / Importance of Voting History

Play segment

Partial Transcript: When you look at voting and registering then and you look at it now, trying to get people to vote, what do you think?

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of the frustrations felt when seeing how younger generations treat voting and the importance of teaching the sacrifices and struggles of achieving the right to vote.

Keywords: Civil rights movement; Civil rights--History; Voting; children; history; registration; sacrifices; struggles; teaching; voters history; voting history; young people

Subjects: Civil rights movement; Civil rights--History; Voting

00:30:31 - Thoughts on Rev. Shuttlesworth and the Civil Rights Institute

Play segment

Partial Transcript: You mentioned Rev. Shuttlesworth and the things he did, and even the things that he's doing now. What do you think of Rev. Shuttlesworth?

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of appreciation for Rev. Shuttlesworth and the work that he has done; as well as the excitement for the establishment of the Civil Rights Institute.

Keywords: Birmingham (Ala.); Birmingham Civil Rights Institute (Birmingham, Ala.); children; class; parents; sacrifices

Subjects: Birmingham (Ala.)--Maps; Birmingham Civil Rights Institute (Birmingham, Ala.)

00:32:53 - Jefferson County School Field Trip / Closing Remarks

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What school was this?

Segment Synopsis: Discussion of the response of parents and children after visiting the Civil Rights Institute, the importance of visiting a place like the Institute and closing remarks.

Keywords: Appreciation; Birmingham (Ala.); Birmingham Civil Rights Institute (Birmingham, Ala.); children; field trip; parents

Subjects: Appreciation; Birmingham (Ala.); Birmingham Civil Rights Institute (Birmingham, Ala.); Civil rights; Civil rights movement